Table 1.
Color Space | Color Description | Classification Based On |
RGB | Moments of R channel | Lightness |
XYZ | Moments of Z channel | Lightness, blue color |
xyz | Moments of x channel | Red color |
xyz | Moments of z channel | Blue color |
YCbCr | Moments of Y channel | Lightness |
YCbCr | Moments of Cb channel | Blue color |
YCbCr | Moments of Cr channel | Red color |
HSV | Moments of H channel | Number of colors |
HSV | Moments of S channel | Sharp and blurred colors |
HSV | Moments of V channel | Lightness |
Opponent space | Moments of 1 channel | Blue and red colors |
Opponent space | Moments of 2 channel | Blue color, sharp and blurred colors |
RGB | Moments | Lightness, blue color |
YCbCr | Moments | Lightness, blue color |
HSV | Moments | Darkness, blue color |
rgb | Histogram | Blue and green colors |
rgb | CCV | Lightness |
xyz | CCV | Lightness, blue and green colors |
YCbCr | CCV | Blue color |
Opponent space | CCV | Blue color |