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. 2020 May 12;9(5):621. doi: 10.3390/foods9050621

Table 1.

Sampling scheme. Number of packages with approximately 10 slices each (except the challenge test, which contained five slices each).

Attribute 0 d 21 d 42 d 63 d 84 d 105 d 126 d Total
Focus Groups
Freshly produced (batch X) (3 directly used; 3 frozen/thawed) 6
End of shelf life (batch Y) 9 (3 direct; 3 frozen/thawed; 3 temperature abuse) 6
Sensory—consumption freshness and CATA
Batch 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35
Batch 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35
Microbiological and physical-chemical
Batch 1 2 NA 1 2 1 NA 2 7
Batch 2 1 NA 2 1 2 NA 1 7
Challenge test
Batch 1 (3 packages) Ψ 2 ϕ NA 1 2 1 NA 2 3
Batch 2 (3 packages) Ψ 1 NA 2 1 2 NA 1 3

Shaded in grey—samples tested in one session; not shaded—samples tested in another session. Ψ A total of 30 slices (packages × 10 slices/package) were divided into five slices/package for L. monocytogenes inoculation. ϕ The packages in the challenge test were prepared in our laboratory. Each package contained five slices. NA—not analyzed.