Representative lung parenchyma and metastasis specimens, investigated by both light (H&E) and llectron microscopy—TEM (a–f and j–p, respectively), from healthy control (a), Mic U-care–treated (b, c and m–p), and untreated (d–f and j–l) mice. The physiological pulmonary structure is clearly preserved in healthy controls (a). Selected structural alterations evidenced in pulmonary parenchyma as well as metastases feature of both M. U-care–treated and untreated mice are presented. PII: type II pneumocytes; arrowhead: collagen fibril bundles; asterisk: activated granulocyte; thin arrows: cytoplasmic crystalloid-containing eosinophil granules. Light (methylene blue staining on semithin sections) (o, p) and electron microscopy details of untreated (j-l) and M. U-care–treated (m–p) murine lung tissue. Light microscopy magnification: 40× (a–f); 60× (insert in e). Electron Microscopy original magnification: 5000× (j–l, n); 12,000× (m); 20,000× (insert in l), 60× (o, p). Histograms showing the quantitative analysis of density (H), area (I), and number (Z) of metastases. p value calculated by unpaired Student’s t-test: (*) < 0.05.