Fig. 2. CircSLC25A16 accelerated the glycolysis of NSCLC.
a The expression of circSLC25A16 was detected using RT-PCR in NSCLC cells (H460, H1299, A549) and normal cells (NHBE). b In A549 cells, shRNAs specifically targeting circSLC25A16 were transfected to knock down its expression, and overexpression plasmids (OE) was transfected to enhance circSLC25A16 expression. c Glucose uptake analysis, d lactate production analysis and e ATP analysis demonstrated the glucose utilization in A549 cells transfected with circSLC25A16 shRNA (sh-circSLC25A16) and circSLC25A16 overexpression (OE), as well as controls. f ECAR analysis (extracellular acidification rate) showed the glycolytic capacity of A549 cells transfected with circSLC25A16 shRNA (sh-circSLC25A16) and circSLC25A16 overexpression (OE). *p < 0.05. **p < 0.01.