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. 2020 Jun 8;11:2887. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16691-x

Fig. 1. The phenotype of nrp1-1 nrp2-2 double mutants.

Fig. 1

a Columbia and nrp1-1 nrp2-2 plants grown 5 weeks under long-day conditions. b Flowering time of Columbia, nrp1-1, nrp2-2, and nrp1-1 nrp2-2 plants expressed as the total number of leaves under long-day conditions. Average from 12 (nrp1-1 and nrp2-2) or 20 (Columbia and nrp1-1 nrp2-2) plants ± standard error (SE) is shown. c Relative expression of FLC in Columbia, nrp1-1, nrp2-2, and nrp1-1 nrp2-2 backgrounds measured by RT-PCR. Error bars represent standard error. This experiment was repeated under the same conditions yielding similar results. d Relative expression of FLC and BSU1 in Columbia, arp6-1, nrp1-1 nrp2-2, and arp6-1 nrp1-1 nrp2-2 backgrounds measured by RT-PCR. Error bars represents standard deviation. UBQ10 was used as an internal control. e Morphological phenotype of 5 weeks old Columbia, arp6-1, nrp1-1 nrp2-2, and arp6-1 nrp1-1 nrp2-2 plants grown under long-day conditions. bd Two-tailed, paired Student’s t test was used to determine p-value. Source data underlying Fig. 1b–d are provided as a Source Data file.