Fig. 2. LncRNA ANRIL elicits ox-LDL induced phenotypic change in HASMCs.
a CCK-8 measured proliferation curves of HASMCs treated by ox-LDL, or transfected with ANRIL overexpressing plasmid and siANRIL. b ROS representative histogram images of flow cytometry findings. c Cellular ROS levels of HASMCs after treated by ox-LDL, or transfected with ANRIL overexpressing plasmid and siANRIL, as detected by flow cytometry. d, e Representative images d and quantification results e of HASMCs with ox-LDL treatment and ANRIL overexpression or silencing, as showed in transwell migration assay. f, g mRNA f and protein g levels of OPN, Collagen type III, Cyclophilin 1, and alph-SMA in HASMCs with ox-LDL inducing and ANRIL overexpressing or silencing. CCK-8, cell counting kit-8; ROS, reactive oxygen species.