Transmission electron microscopy observations show progressive destruction of A. castellanii trophozoites exposed to hot C. sinensis. (A) Trophozoite in control PYG medium; (B) Trophozoites in 100% C. sinensis at 24 h showing loss of cellular membrane and the acanthopodia; (C) Trophozoites at 48 h exhibit some damage of membrane integrity (arrows); (D) At 72 h post-exposure to C. sinensis, trophozoites lost cellular membrane integrity. Abbreviations: (V) food vacuole, (M) mitochondria, (N) Nucleus. Magnifications: X6,000, X8,200, X16,500 & X4,200 for A to D, respectively. Scale bars = = (A) 5000 nm; (B) 2000 nm;; (C) 1000; (D) 5000 nm.