Figure 1.
Changes in Saccade Features by Amygdala Inactivation
(A) Visually guided saccade task.
(B) Estimated injection sites in the central nucleus of amygdala. ac, anterior commissure.
(C) Horizontal eye position (left) and velocity (right) after target onset (red dots: the peak velocity in each saccade).
(D) Changes in saccade latency after injection of saline (left) and muscimol (right). Shaded gray area shows the effective period we used for further analysis (each data point: averaged saccade latency in each session). Solid and dashed lines indicate second-degree least-squares fit to the data points for contralateral and ipsilateral, respectively.
(E) Mean latency in each condition. The data were obtained from individual trials during the effective period.
(F) Relationship between saccade amplitude (abscissa) and peak velocity (ordinate). Solid lines show 70% confidence ellipse in each condition (black: no injection, red: CeA inactivation—contralateral saccades, blue: CeA inactivation—ipsilateral saccades).
(G) Mean saccade amplitude.
(H) Mean saccade peak velocity. Error bars show SEM. Asterisk (∗∗∗) indicates statistically significant contrasts at p < 0.001 (two-sample t test). All data in C, D, and F are for monkey S (Figure S1 show original data for both monkeys S and D).