Figure 5.
Amygdalo-Nigral Inhibitory Pathway Modulates Oculomotor Behavior
(A) Enhanced anterograde transport of AAV2-CMV-ChR2-EYFP infection in SNr (yellow: GFP(EYFP) antibody + GtxRb Alexa Fluor 488, blue: autofluorescence). Right-bottom shows the expressions in axons.
(B–D) SNr neuronal modulation and directional bias of saccades after optical stimulation of the amygdalo-nigral pathway. Same format as in Figures 4B–4D. (B, right) Activity of 48 SNr neurons that were excited or inhibited by optogenetic stimulation (inhibition: n = 34, excitation: n = 14). (D) Error bars show SEM. Asterisks (∗∗∗) indicate statistically significant contrasts at p < 0.001.