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. 2020 Apr 28;12(5):1246. doi: 10.3390/nu12051246

Table 1.

Results for control samples analyzed with milk samples.

Control Material n Mean Iodine (µg/ 100 g) SD % RSD HorRat a Minimum Maximum Previous Mean (Range, n) b Expected c
Chocolate Milk (Control Composite II) d,e 6 41.9 1.03 2.5 0.3 40.6 43.1 40.9 (1) n/a
2% Milk (Control Composite) d 3 32.2 0.31 0.9 0.1 31.9 32.5 n/a n/a
NIST SRM®1849a Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula f 1 133 127 (118–134, 7) 118–140

SD = standard deviation. RSD = percent relative standard deviation. a Assayed RSD/expected RSD, calculated according to Horwitz and Albert [33], and described in Section 2.5. b For samples of material assayed with other foods for the National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program [30,31]. c Certified mean ± uncertainty [32]. d CC=control composite developed for the National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program [30]. e Whole chocolate milk. f NIST SRM=National Institute for Standards and Technology Standard Reference Material (Gaithersburg, MD, USA) [32].