Fig. 3.
Comparison of factor loadings between carriers and non-carriers of the 22q11.2 microdeletion. Figures (a) and (b) display clinical canonical loadings plot depicting correlations between each of the five clinical canonical variates and each of the five SRS subdomain scores in social awareness (SAW), social cognition (SCG), social communication (SCM), social motivation (SM), and restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRB) within a all non22q11.2DS individuals (i.e., idiopathic ASD and TD controls) and within b all 22q11.2DS individuals (i.e., 22q11.ASD and 22q11.nonASD). Canonical variates are sorted in descending order based on the percentage of explained clinical variance as indicated in shades of green; b and c canonical loadings of each neuroanatomical predictor (i.e., cortical volume (CV), surface area (SA), and cortical thickness (CT)) on canonical variate 2 within c all non22q11.2DS individuals and d all 22q11.2DS individuals; e and f canonical loadings of each neuroanatomical predictor (i.e., CV, SA, and CT) on canonical variate 1 within e all non22q11.2DS individuals and f all 22q11.2DS individuals. Brain regions with a significant between-group difference in brain loadings between non22q11.2DS and 22q11.2DS individuals are indicated with an asterisk