Fig 3. Immunohistochemical analyses of brain from 117VV Tg30 mice challenged with a spontaneous 117V prion isolate.
(A, B) Primary transmission of spontaneous 117V prion isolate (from 117VSpont-A mouse brain) to 117VV Tg30 mice. Brain from challenged mice was examined by IHC using anti-PrP monoclonal antibody ICSM 35. (A) Sagittal brain section from a mouse culled at 733 days post-inoculation with neurological disease showing widespread PrP deposition. (B) Magnification of the midsection of the same brain shown in panel A showing detailed granular nature of the PrP plaques. (C) Sagittal brain section from an uninoculated 117VV Tg30 mouse (culled at 852 days old without neurological disease; see Fig 1C and S1 Data) showing the maximum intensity of spontaneous PrP deposition that we observed in aged uninoculated 117VV Tg30 mice. Scale bars: panels A and B, 300 μm; panel C, 1 mm. ICSM, Imperial College School of Medicine; IHC, immunohistochemistry; PrP, prion protein.