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. 2020 Jun 9;15(6):e0234335. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234335

Table 2. Means and range of parents and F2:3 families derived from cross of CM143 × CM144 at different days after emergence (DAE) for egg count, leaf injury (%) and deadheart (%) after shoot fly infestation.

Parents/ Population Oviposition (Egg count, EC)a
5 DAEa 10 DAE 15 DAE
Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
CM143 0–8 6.0±0.12 0–15 13.0±0.23 10–25 20.0±0.21
CM144 0–13 9.5±0.22 5–25 21.0±0.11 20–50 38.50±0.19
F2:3 families 0–11 7.64±0.13 10–25 17.59±0.08 17–43 28.36±0.16
CDd 5.186 CVe 9.3
Leaf injury% (LI)b
7 DAE 14 DAE 21 DAE
CM143 0–10 7.0±0.114 0–15 13.0±0.167 15.0–25.0 18.0±0.104
CM144 0–15.0 12.0±0.126 25.0–35.0 27.0±0.118 35.0–45.0 41.0±0.234
F2:3 families 0–20.0 10.295±0.132 10–45.0 22.804±0.23 15.0–55.0 32.71±0.194
CD 12.492 CV 19.24
Deadheart% (DH)c
7 DAE 14 DAE 21 DAE
CM143 0–5.0 1.0±0.216 5.0–10 7.0±0.109 10.0–15.0 13.0±0.134
CM144 0–10.0 4.0±0.109 15.0–20.0 18.0±0.094 25.0–30.0 28.0±0.122
F2:3 families 0–10.0 2.425±0.301 5.0–25.0 12.158±0.134 10.0–35.0 18.92±0.137
CD 10.734 CV 31.97

aEgg count was recorded at an interval of 5 days i.e. at 5 days after emergence (DAE), 10 DAE and 15 DAE

b&cLeaf injury and deadheart were recorded at an interval of 7 days i.e. at 7 DAE, 14 DAE and 21 DAE and were expressed in terms of percentage

dCD: Critical difference

eCV: Coefficient of variation