Figure 4. Mef2c and Snap25 are required downstream of Mafb and Maf to promote neurite outgrowth.
A) Schema showing the in vitro culture assay testing Maf and Mafb’s prenatal function on neurite outgrowth. P0 WT and cDKO neocortical tissues were dissociated (INs were labeled with Nkx2.1-cre-driven tdTomato) and diluted 5-fold with reporter negative dissociated P0 WT neocortical tissues before plating on culture slides. (B–C) Representative traces of cultured WT and cDKO INs. (D–F) Representative traces of cultured cDKO INs transfected with Maf, Mef2c or Snap25-expressing plasmids; each showed a rescue phenotype. (G–I) Sholl analysis showing the neurite complexity and the rescue effects of Maf (G), Mef2c (H) and Snap25 (I). (J) Schema showing the in vitro culture assay testing Maf and Mafb’s postnatal function on neurite outgrowth. (K–O) Representative traces of cultured INs using Maff/f;Mafbf/f; RosaT+ P0 neocortices to look at the effect of postnatal deletion of Maf and Mafb on neurite outgrowth and if Maf, Mef2c and Snap25 expression showed rescue effects. Thus, postnatal loss of Maf and Mafb (cDKOPOST) leads to defects in neurite outgrowth (K–L). (P–R) Sholl analysis showing the neurite complexity and the rescue effects of Maf (P), Mef2c (Q) and Snap25 (R) on cDKOPOST INs. Scale bar in (F) and (O) = 100 um. N = 3–4 per groups. The quantity of cells used for analysis was included in (G–I) and (P–R).