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. 2020 Jun 1;55:238–243. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2020.04.034

Table 1.

Socio-demographic and Clinical characteristics of diabetic patients on follow up at Nekemte Referral Hospital, West Ethiopia, from February 20 to May 20, 2016 (n = 252).

Variables Category Frequency Percentage
Sex Male 138 54.8
Female 114 45.2
Age <30 89 35.3
30–60 131 52.0
>60 32 12.7
Marital status Single 74 29.4
Married 136 54.0
Divorced 12 4.8
Widowed 30 11.9
Educational status No formal education 70 27.8
Primary school 97 38.5
Secondary school 48 19.0
College/University 37 14.7
Occupation Employed 121 48.0
Unemployed 131 52.0
Residence Urban 129 51.2
Rural 123 48.8
BMI <18.5 (Underweight) 17 6.7
18.5–24.9 (Normal weight) 142 56.3
25–29.9 (Overweight) 50 19.8
≥30 (Obese) 43 17.1
Family/social support Yes 64 25.4
No 188 74.6
Family history of diabetes Yes 32 12.7
No 220 87.3
Duration of diabetes <6 154 61.1
6–10 69 27.4
>10 29 11.5
Number of medications taken <2 138 54.8
≥2 114 45.2
Access for self-monitoring blood glucose Yes 26 10.3
No 226 89.7
Hospitalization due to diabetic-related problem Yes 53 21.0
No 199 79.0
Knowledge of diabetes Good 30 11.9
Acceptable 53 21.0
Poor 169 67.1
Anti-diabetic medication Metformin 57 22.6
Insulin 159 63.1
Insulin and Metformin 10 4.0
Metformin and Glibenclamide 21 8.3
Glibenclamide 5 2.0
Presence of comorbidities Yes 75 30.6
No 175 69.4
Type of diabetes mellitus Type 1 159 63.1
Type 2 93 36.9
Glycemic control ≤130 102 40.5
>130 150 59.5