Figure 5.
Transcriptional profiling characterization of 3D printed liver cancer cell model. (A) Heatmap of DEGs between the 3DP-HepG2 and 2D-HepG2 models. Rows represent genes, and columns represent samples. (B) Volcano plot showing 617 DEGs, including 235 significantly upregulated DEGs (red spots) and 382 significantly downregulated DEGs (green spots). KEGG pathway enrichment bubble chart of (C) significantly upregulated genes and (D) downregulated genes. The x–axis represents fold of enrichment and the y–axis represents KEGG–enriched terms. The size of the dot represents the number of genes under a specific term. The color of the dots represents adjustment. (E) The expression of liver cancer-specific genes in the 3DP-HepG2 and 2D-HepG2 models. The heatmap shows the expression of hepatocyte-related genes and tumor-related genes in the models. DEGs, differentially expressed genes; GO, Gene Ontology; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.