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. 2020 Jan 23;6(2):168–178. doi: 10.1016/j.aninu.2020.01.002

Table 5.

Effects of dietary treatments on growth performance from 7 to 35 d post–hatch, mortality rates, relative fat-pad weights and feather scores.

Weight gain, g/bird Feed intake, g/bird FCR, g/g Mortalities1, % Fat-pad weights, g/kg Feather scores
Diet Crude protein, g/kg Mode
1A (PC) 215.0 2,159 3,496 1.627 8.33 6.50 1.8
2B 197.5 Standard 1,958 3,387 1.684 2.08 8.37bc 1.9
5E 197.5 Modified 2,161 3,492 1.616 6.25 8.15b 1.9
3C 180.0 Standard 1,451 2,717 1.878 0.00 8.14b 3.1
6F 180.0 Modified 1,437 2,963 2.066 4.17 8.74bc 2.8
4D 162.5 Standard 1,010 2,433 2.426 0.00 6.79a 3.7
7G 162.5 Modified 1,005 2,532 2.554 0.00 9.63c 2.6
SEM 48.18 59.25 0.0671 1.875 0.4562 0.476
Main effect: Crude protein
 197.5 2,063c 3,389c 1.650a 4.17 8.26 1.9a
 180.0 1,444b 2,840b 1.972b 2.08 8.41 2.9b
 162.5 1,008a 2,482a 2.490c 0.00 8.26 3.1c
 Standard 1,471 2,812a 1.996 0.70 7.77 2.9
 Modified 1,535 2,995b 2.076 3.47 8.84 2.4
Significance (P-value)
 Crude protein (CP) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.097 0.866 0.031
 Mode (M) 0.140 <0.001 0.140 0.077 0.006 0.230
 CP × M interaction 0.059 0.448 0.150 0.446 0.005 0.450
Pair-wise comparisons (P-value)
 1A versus 2B 0.010 0.017 0.527 0.074 0.005 0.891
 1A versus 5E 0.969 0.959 0.910 0.546 0.012 0.842
 2B versus 5E 0.009 0.019 0.456 0.229 0.725 0.949

PC = positive control.

a, b, c Within a column, means not sharing a common superscript are significantly different at P < 0.05.


Overall mortality rate: 2.98% (SEM = 2.417; P = 0.092).