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. 2020 Jan 23;6(2):168–178. doi: 10.1016/j.aninu.2020.01.002

Table 6.

Effects of dietary treatments on parameters of nutrient utilisation and excreta dry matter from 32 to 34 d post–hatch.

AME, MJ/kg DM ME:GE ratio, MJ/MJ N retention, % AMEn, MJ/kg DM Excreta dry matter, g/kg
Diet Crude protein, g/kg Mode
1A (PC) 215.0 12.65 0.753 61.80 11.98 268
2B 197.5 Standard 12.60 0.763 64.25 11.98ab 255b
5E 197.5 Modified 12.53 0.767 62.31 12.00ab 279c
3C 180.0 Standard 12.67 0.783 62.74 12.23b 237ab
6F 180.0 Modified 12.25 0.766 58.84 11.90a 291c
4D 162.5 Standard 12.83 0.808 60.64 12.53c 223a
7G 162.5 Modified 12.14 0.774 58.09 11.82a 288c
SEM 0.1301 0.0084 1.0747 0.1006 7.912
Main effect: Crude protein
 197.5 12.48 0.765a 63.28b 11.99 267
 180.0 12.46 0.775ab 60.79a 12.07 264
 162.5 12.57 0.791b 59.63a 12.17 255
 Standard 12.70b 0.785b 62.54b 12.25 238
 Modified 12.31a 0.769a 59.75a 11.91 286
Significance (P-value)
 Crude protein (CP) 0.674 0.012 0.003 0.192 0.332
 Mode (M) <0.001 0.028 0.003 <0.001 <0.001
 CP × M interaction 0.061 0.073 0.645 0.003 0.035
Pair-wise comparisons (P-value)
 1A versus 2B 0.795 0.448 0.099 0.971 0.253
 1A versus 5E 0.554 0.262 0.725 0.913 0.358
 2B versus 5E 0.739 0.714 0.190 0.885 0.042

AME = apparent metabolizable energy; GE = gross energy; N = nitrogen; AMEn = N-corrected AME; PC = positive control.

a, b, c Within a column, means not sharing a common superscript are significantly different at P < 0.05.