Fig. 8.
Measurement of cytokines secreted by LPS/IFNγ stimulated macrophages grown in LCM, MCSF and MCSF + GMCSF media. Cytokines were measured in media supernatants from LPS/IFNγ treated Gchfl/fl macrophages grown in different culture media using a cytokine profiler spotted with specific capture antibodies. Following incubation with biotinylated detection antibodies, blots were visualised for varying times using chemiluminescence and representative blots exposed for (A) 1 s and (B) 1 min are shown. Unstimulated cells resulted in an absence of signal, presumably as these cells either did not produce cytokines, or their levels were below the detection limit of the assay. (C) Relative densities of duplicate spots were quantified. Data are presented as means ± range. (n = 3).