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. 2020 May 26;22(5):e16906. doi: 10.2196/16906

Table 9.

Subcodes of the main code “technology,” their definitions, illustrative quote, number of interviews quote was mentioned (Nint), and number of times code was mentioned (Ntot).

Subcode Definition Illustrative quote Nint Ntot
Ease of use Extent to which therapists find use of the technology intuitive, clear, and structured
  • I feel that the eMental health intervention is too big, or too fuzzy. As I just mentioned, all these modules, I know a few, but I think that there are a lot, also specified on other diagnoses. But I find it tricky to find these things. So I don’t think it’s very well arranged. (pp. 9)

  • I’d see that as tiles in [the electronic patient record] which we are using currently. In User you have multiple tiles and the patient record, and it should also have a tile of [the intervention], on which you click and then you can start. [...] If there would be a block of [the intervention], it would be really easy to go to it. I think that would be more user friendly than when you have to go to the website yourself to log in, because then you have taken multiple additional steps. (pp. 7)

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Presentation of content Therapist’s opinion on the ways in which the treatment-related content of the technology is presented to the patients
  • The module itself should be shorter. Both the individual sessions and the number of sessions in a specific module I’d make shorter. I feel that certain explanations are too difficult for some patients. So I think there is not enough supply for people with a low intelligence, and a large number of our people has a lower than average intelligence. (pp. 18)

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Appearance Therapist’s opinion on the overall look and feel of the design of the technology
  • Because I think those modules are really cool. I’m thinking “Wow, the person that came up with this has it right!” But it’s just fresh, I’d almost say happy, but also friendly, and user-friendly. And if you can have these things together in a module text, with some videos and some other things and some explanation, that’s just amazing! (pp. 12)

  • With regard to the design, with videos and images, it’s stimulating and appealing. It’s not a boring booklet that you hand out. (pp. 4)

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