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. 2020 May 10;8(5):702. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8050702

Table 2.

The cellular fatty acid content of strain 03113T and representative strains of closely related species of the genus Bacillus. Strains: 1, 03113T; 2, B. dabaoshanensis CCTCC AB 2013260T; 3, B. solani CCTCC AB 2014277T; 4, B. praedii CCTCC AB 2015208T. All data were obtained in this study. Partial values lower than 1% are not shown in the table. ND, Not detected.

Fatty acid 1 2a 3 4
C14:0 1.96 1.1 1.77 1.68
C16:0 7.50 2.60 1.98 2.20
iso-C14:0 7.13 ND 6.61 5.13
iso-C15:0 11.06 42.9 45.43 54.12
iso-C16:0 8.73 6.7 6.07 5.61
anteiso-C15:0 51.35 24.1 27.16 20.15
anteiso-C17:0 6.71 6.2 3.88 3.13
C16:1ω7c alcohol ND ND 2.56 2.36
C16:1ωw11c ND ND 1.21 1.12
Summed Feature 3 * <1 2.5 ND ND
Summed Feature 8 <1 1.5 ND ND

* Summed feature 3 comprises C16: 1ω6c and/or C16: 1ω7c. † Summed feature 8 comprises C18: 1ω6c and/or C18: 1ω7c.a Data were obtained from: Cui et al. [37].