Figure 1.
Maximum likelihood tree of the ledantevirus large protein (L) gene. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of genus Ledantevirus (Mononegavirales: Rhabdoviridae) with 3 members of the neighboring Vesiculovirus genus as an outgroup (yellow). The tree was constructed from a conserved 270-nt sequence of the RNA-directed RNA polymerase domain of the large protein (L), with molecular evolution model selection (GTR+Γ+I) by PhyML smart model selection (Akaike information criterion). Canonical ledantevirus subgroups are highlighted in blue (Subgroup A), green (Subgroup B), and purple (Subgroup C), although Mount Elgon Bat virus, historically of Subgroup C, is included in a monophyletic (red) clade with the hippoboscoid fly ledanteviruses (Kanyawara virus, Bughendera virus, and Wǔhàn louse fly virus 5). Asterisk indicates sequence from bat oral swab. Circles on nodes indicate >85% confidence based on 1000 bootstrap replicates. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site.