Figure 4. Integrative cross-species analysis on transcriptomes of mouse and fish habenula.
A. Schematics illustrating integrative cross species analysis of mouse and zebrafish transcriptional profiles of habenula neurons. B. UMAP dimensional reduction of transcriptional profile of jointly analyzed zebrafish and mice habenula neurons without alignment (Left) and with Seurat V3 alignment (Right). C. UMAP visualization of 10 clusters of jointly analyzed neurons. D. Expression plots showing normalized expression values for Tac2 and Pcdh10 in the UMAP space. E. Heatmap illustrating Pearson correlations between integrated clusters and zebrafish clusters (Left) and between integrated clusters and mouse clusters (Right). White, p>0.05 or correlation value<0. F. Dot plot showing scaled expression levels (color) and the proportion of expressing cells (dot size) of marker genes in zebrafish (Left), mouse (Middle) and integrated (Right) clusters. Related to Figure S4.