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. 2020 May 30;7:100044. doi: 10.1016/j.toxcx.2020.100044

Table 1.

Venoms from Viperidae species of Perú analyzed in the present study, and their localities.

Speciesa Common name nb District Province Department
Bothrops atrox jergón de la selva 60 Llata, Chaglia, Puerto Inca, Codo del Pozuzo Humalíes, Pachitea, Puerto Inca Huánuco
Bothrops barnetti macanche 20 Quebrada Honda, Olmos Talara, Lambayeque Piura, Lambayeque
Bothrops bilineatus loro machaco 10 Pichanaki, Vitoc, Chanchamayo Chanchamayo Junin
Bothrops taeniata (castelnaudi) jergón de árbol nd Satipo Jauja Junin
Bothrops chloromelas 8 Huancabamba Huancabamba Piura
Bothrops oligolepis (peruvianus) jergón negro 8 Satipo Jauja Junin
Bothrops pictus jergón de la costa 5 Pachacamac Lima Lima
Bothrocophias andianus jergona 4 Macchu Picchu Urubamba Cusco
Bothrocophias hyoprora jergón shushupe 10 Puerto Pakuy, Imaza Bagua Amazonas
Bothrocophias microphtalmus jergón pudridora nd Pichanaki Chanchamayo Junin
Bothriechis schlegelii loro 4 Reserva de Tumbes Zarumilla Tumbes
Lachesis muta shushupe 10 Alto Marañón, Nazareth, Pijuayal Bagua, Condorcanqui Amazonas

Taxonomical nomenclature used in this work follows the proposal of Carrasco et al. (2016), which synonimizes Rhinocerophis, Bothropoides, and Bothriopsis with Bothrops, while maintaining Bothrocophias and assigning Bothrops andianus to that genus.


n: number of individuals in the venom pool; nd: not determined.