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. 2019 Jul 25;70(12):2561–2567. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz671

Table 2.

The Estimated Health and Economic Burdens, Stratified by Region

Region Number at Risk of Infection, Millions Number Infected, Millions Number With Hydrocoele, Millions Number With Lymphoedema, Millions Annual Incidence of ADL Episode, Millions DALY Burden, Millions Average Economic Burden Per Chronic Case Total Economic Burden, Millions
AFRO 416.90 41.69 8.69 5.21 32.52 1.70 $67.40 $1148
EMRO 23.83 2.38 0.50 0.30 1.86 0.10 $145.87 $134
PAHO 8.87 0.89 0.18 0.11 0.69 0.04 $111.85 $40
SEARO 789.98 79.00 16.46 9.87 61.62 3.22 $135.47 $4137
WPRO 47.04 4.70 0.98 0.59 3.67 0.19 $169.53 $307
Total 1286.62 128.66 26.80 16.08 100.36 5.25 $114.69 $5765

Costs are in 2016 US$.Abbreviations: ADL, adenolymphangitis; AFRO, WHO African region; DALY, disability-adjusted life years; EMRO, WHO Eastern Mediterranean region; PAHO, WHO pan-American region; SEARO, WHO South-East Asian region; WHO, World Health Organization; WPRO, WHO Western Pacific region.