Table 5.
Model parameters used in the infiltration basin model. For definitions of the colloid transport parameters see Massoudieh and Ginn (2007).
Horizontal Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity | 10 m/d |
Vertical Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity | 1.1 m/d |
Soil van Genuchten parameters α | 3.5 m−1 |
Soil van Genuchten parameters λ | 0.5 |
Soil van Genuchten parameters n | 3.19 |
Soil Saturated moisture content θs | 0.37 |
Soil Residual moisture content θr | 0.058 |
Diffusion/Dispersion coefficient for all constituents | 0.005 m2/d |
Maximum aerobic decomposition rate of DOM (μH) | 5 mg BOD/L.d |
Maximum nitrification rate (μN) | 0.5 mg N/L.d |
Maximum anoxic decomposition rate of DOM (μdn) | 3 mg BOD/L.d |
DO half saturation constant for aerobic decay (Ko) | 1 mg BOD/L |
DO half saturation constant for anoxic decay (Kon) | 1 mg BOD/L |
Nitrate Half saturation constant for denitrification (Kdn) | 10 mg/L-N |
Ammonia Half saturation constant for nitrification (Kn) | 0.1 mg/L-N |
DOM half saturation constant (Ks) | 50 mg-L-BOD |
Ammonia content of DOM (ηon) | 0.219 mg NH3-N/mg BOD |
Aeration rate constant in soil (ksa) | 100 d−1 |
Partitioning coefficient to air/water interface (kair) for colloid all colloid types | 10 water volume/air volume |
Irreversible attachment fraction | 0.2 |
Specific surface area | 104 m2/m3 |
Effective attachment efficiency (ηα) for colloid type I, II, and III | 5 × 10−4, 5 × 10−5, 5 × 10−6 |
Release rate coefficient (kdet) | 0.1 |
Settling velocity (m/d) | 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 |
Sorption rate coefficient of Zn to all solids | 0.6 d−1 |
Partition coefficient of Zn to all solids (soil and colloids) | 1000 L/kg |