Figure 3. Results of Experiment 2: Long-term repulsive biases are spatially specific.
(A) Attraction and repulsion biases exerted by the 10 preceding stimuli, regardless of changes in spatial locations. The current response is attracted towards the previous stimulus, but repelled from stimuli seen 4 to 9 trials ago. Colored bars indicate significant attraction (blue) and repulsion (red) biases (solid: Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons; striped: no multiple comparison correction). Error bars represent 1 SD of the bootstrap distribution. The gray shaded area marks the time window of interest for which we estimated the spatial specificity of the repulsive bias (panel C). (B) Serial dependence on previous stimulus, considering trials for which the previous stimulus was presented at the same location as the current stimulus (‘same location’, purple), or trials for which the previous and current stimulus location was 10 visual degrees apart (‘different location’, orange). Attractive serial dependence is similarly strong for same and different location trials. Shaded region depicts the SEM of the group moving average (thin lines). Thick lines show the best fitting DoG curves. Same data as shown in Experiment 1 by Fritsche et al., 2017. (C) Average serial dependence on 4- to 9-back stimuli for same (purple) or different (orange) location trials. Current responses are more strongly repelled from 4- to 9-back stimuli, when current and past stimuli were presented at the same spatial location.