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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Jun 10.
Published in final edited form as: Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2018 Feb;8(2):108–352. doi: 10.1002/alr.22073


Evidence for an association between allergic rhinitis and sleep disturbance

Study Year LOE Study design Study groups Clinical endpoint Conclusion
Yamada et al.673 2012 1b RCT PAR, adults (n = 57) ESS and RQLQ INCS mometasone significantly improves nasal symptoms, QOL, sleep quality, and upper airway condition.
Meltzer et al.1276 2010 1b RCT PAR, adults (n = 30) PSG, ESS, RQLQ-S, and WPAI-AS INCS mometasone improves nasal symptoms and sleepiness.
Craig et al.1275 2003 1b RCT AR, adults (n = 32) PSG, ESS, RQLQ, direct sleep questions in daily diary Improvement in NC and sleep with treatment with topical nasal fluticasone.
Hughes et al.706 2003 1b RCT PAR, adults (n = 22) ESS, SSS, FOSQ, RQLQ INCS budesonide improved daytime fatigue, somnolence and quality of sleep.
Craig et al.707 1998 1b RCT PAR, adults (n = 20) Direct sleep questions in daily diary Improvement in congestion and sleep with treatment with INCS flunisolide.
Sherkat et al.2030 2011 2b RCT AR, adults (n = 14) ESS, PSQI, FOSQ, RQLQ, NRQLQ, Pennsylvania Quality of Life, direct sleep questions in daily diary Sleep quality is not significantly affected by pseudoephedrine.
Colas et al.726 2012 2c Population-based AR, adults (n = 2275) PSQI RQLQ, direct sleep questions based on Epworth scale Moderate-severe AR and NC are associated with worse sleep quality.
Meltzer et al.2027 2009 2c Population-based AR, children (n = 1004) Direct sleep questions by telephone interviews AR disrupts the pattern and quality of sleep.
Bousquet et al.2028 2006 2c Population-based AR, adults (n = 3052) Jenkins Questionnaire, RQLQ, WPAI-AS The severity of the AR has more effect on QOL and sleep, than the duration (intermittent/persistent).
Leger et al.727 2006 2c Population-based AR, adults (n = 591) ESS, Sleep Disorders Questionnaire, Score for Allergic Rhinitis All dimensions of sleep were impaired by AR, and more impaired in severe AR than in mild AR.
Young et al.714 1997 2c Population-based Adults (n = 4927) PSG, direct sleep questions Moderate-to-severe SDB was 1.8 times more frequent in participants with NC due to allergy.
Ishman et al.2034 2012 3b Case-control AR, children (n = 21) PSQ, PDSS, Obstructive Sleep Apnea-18 AR children have higher SDB and sleepiness scores.
Meng et al.720 2011 3b Case-control PAR, adults (n = 98) PSG Differences in most PSG parameters including sleep efficiency, arousal index, and snoring time, statistically significant (though clinically modest).
Benninger & Benninger2036 2009 3b Case-control AR, adults (n = 701) RSDI and sleep question by RSDI AR has a significant negative impact on sexual function, sleep, and fatigue.
Meltzer et al.2037 2009 3b Case-control AR, adults (n = 7024) MOS-Sleep and mini-RQLQ AR adversely affects QOL and sleep parameters.
Yuksel et al.2035 2009 3b Case-control SAR, children (n = 14) PSQI and actigraphy Sleep dysfunction scores, sleep latency and fragmentation index are significantly higher in the AR group.
Shedden2026 2005 3b Case-control AR, adults and children (n = 2355) Direct sleep questions >80% with NC affected in some way at night, primarily causing them to wake up or made it difficult to fall asleep.
Stuck et al.731 2004 3b Controlled trial SAR, adults (n = 50) ESS, SF-36, PSG SAR increases daytime sleepiness, and worsens QOL.
Stull et al.682 2009 4 Case series AR, adults (n = 404) MOS-Sleep, NRQLQ, WPAI-AS, PANAS-X Those with more severe NC or ocular symptoms report poorer scores on sleep domains.
McNicholas et al.718 1982 4 Case- series SAR, adults (n = 7) PSG In patients with SAR, obstructive sleep apneas are more frequent during a period of symptomatic nasal obstruction.

AR = allergic rhinitis; ESS = Epworth Sleepiness Scale; FOSQ = Functional Outcomes of Sleep; INCS = intranasal corticosteroid; LOE = level of evidence; mini-RQLQ = mini-Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire; MOS-Sleep = Sleep Scale from the Medical Outcomes Study; NC = nasal congestion; NRQLQ = Nocturnal Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire; PANAS-X = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule-Expanded Form; PAR = perennial allergic rhinitis; PDSS = Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale; PSG = polysomnogram; PSQ = Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire; PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; QOL = quality of life; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RQLQ = Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire; RQLQ-S = Standardized Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire; RSDI = Rhinosinusitis Disability Index; SAR = seasonal allergic rhinitis; SDB = sleep disordered breathing; SF-36 = Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form health survey; SSS = Stanford Sleepiness Score; WPAI-AS = Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire-Allergy-Specific.