Study | Year | LOE | Study design |
Study groups |
Clinical endpoint | Conclusion |
Di Bona et al.815 | 2015 | 1a | Systematic review | ARC | Meta-analysis of grass SLIT efficacy | Combined symptom and medication score showed efficacy of grass SLIT. |
Calderon et al.801 | 2014 | 1a | Systematic review | AR | Comparison of scoring systems | TNSS and combined medication scores should be used in clinical trials. |
Demoly et al.803 | 2016 | 1b | DBRPCT | AR | Efficacy of HDM SLIT tablet | TCRS confirmed efficacy of SLIT. |
Zieglmayer et al.798 | 2016 | 1b | RCT | AR | Efficacy of B-cell vaccine | TNSS score used to determine efficacy in large study. |
Klimek et al.805 | 2015 | 1b | RCT | ARC | Effectiveness of recombinant birch SCIT | Combined score and VAS revealed no difference between recombinant and standard birch SCIT. |
Mosbech et al.799 | 2015 | 1b | RCT | AR | Efficacy of HDM SLIT for AR | RQLQ used effectively in this evaluation. |
Devillier et al.802 | 2016 | 2b | Cohort | AR | Evaluation of AR by VAS, RTSS and RQLQ | Comparison of various outcome measures validates their utility. |
Galimberti et al.814 | 2015 | 2b | Cohort | AR, AC, asthma | Evaluation of RAP test | RAP test is valid for screening allergic disease |
Devillier et al.813 | 2014 | 2b | Cohort | ARC | Minimal clinically important difference of RTSS | RTSS vs RQLQ showed minimal clinically important difference of 1. |
Hafner et al.806 | 2012 | 2b | Cohort | ARC | Evaluation of RC-ACS test in 81 subjects | RC-ACS is a valid test for evaluating ARC without asthma. |
AC = allergic conjunctivitis; AR = allergic rhinitis; ARC = allergic rhinoconjunctivitis; DBRPCT = double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial; HDM = house dust mite; LOE = level of evidence; RAP = Respiratory Allergy Prediction; RC-ACS = Rhinoconjunctivitis Allergy Control Score; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RQLQ = Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire; RTSS = Rhinoconjunctivitis Total Symptom Score; SCIT = subcutaneous immunotherapy; SLIT = sublingual immunotherapy; TCRS = Total Combined Rhinitis Score; TNSS = Total Nasal Symptom Score; VAS = visual analog scale.