Fig. 5.
Variation of fishing vessel density through three lockdown stages of the 39 days assessment period: a to c fishing activity during COVID-19 induced lockdown and d to f fishing activity during BAU (Comparative assessment period 19/03 to 26/04). Stage 1 (19/03/20–31/03/20) - fishing cessation and aquaculture reduction; Stage 2 (01/04/20–14/04/20) - extension of lockdown restrictions of stage 1 and Stage 3 (14/04/20–26/04/20) - second extension of lockdown measure stage 1. In the Supplementary material (Annex 4), an overview of the mean VTI scores for the comparative assessment periods of 2017 and 2020 is provided. Note: DPCM – Decree of the President of the Council of Ministries.