Fig. 3. Comparison of compact and extended AdhE spirosomes.
a The cryo-EM structure of AdhE in the compact spirosome (6AHC)11. The helical pitch is 70 Å and the angle between the helical axis and the helical turn is 30°. The inter-helical interaction indicated with a red dotted box is zoomed in the panel (left). The ALDH domains in different helical pitches interact within the compact spirosome (shown in gray arrow). The ALDH domains are colored in yellow and the ADH domain in pale-purple. b The cryo-EM structure of AdhE in the extended spirosome is shown. The helical pitch is 120 Å and the angle between the helical axis and the helical turn is 40°. The ALDH domains in the extended spirosome stays far apart (left box, shown in gray arrow). c Superimposition of the compact (shown in gray) and extended (shown in blue and cyan) AdhE dimers. AdhE dimer in the extended spirosome is expanded and twisted by 5° at the both ends of the ADH domains compared with the compact AdhE dimer (Supplementary Movies 1 and 2).