Fig. 3.
Geropathological scoring of parabiotic mice. A Representative images of heart, liver, and kidney histologic sections from parabiotic mice. All images were taken at × 40. Heart (arteriosclerosis, YO; cardiomyopathy, OY, OO), liver (lymphoid aggregate, YO, OY; bile duct hyperplasia/cysts, OO), and kidney (nephropathy, YO, OY, OO; lymphoid aggregate, YO) pathologies are indicated by arrow. B Histopathologic composite lesion scores (CLS) for age-related pathology in tissues determined using the Geropathology Grading Platform (n = 6–8 tissues per group). Values represent the mean ± SD and one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001