Fig. 1.
Osa-miR162a is differentially responsive to Magnaporthe oryzae in the susceptible and resistance accessions. a Blast disease phenotype on leaves of susceptible accession LTH and resistant accession IRBLKm-Ts following spray-inoculation of Magnaporthe oryzae Guy11 (1 × 105 spore/ml concentration) at 5 days post-inoculation (dpi). Scale bar =1 cm. b Accumulation of Osa-miR162a in indicated accessions with or without Guy11 infection. Total RNA was used to carry out reverse-transcription (RT) with an Osa-miR162 specific stem-loop RT primers (Additional file 4: Table S1), and the RT product was subsequently used as a template for quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) to detect the amounts of Osa-miR162. snRNA U6 served as an internal reference. Error bars indicate SD. Different letters above the bars indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) as determined by a one-way ANOVA analysis. Similar results were obtained in at least two independent experiments