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. 2020 May 20;287(1927):20200721. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0721

Table 1.

Results of the GLMMs analysing the effects of original colour, new colour, sex, and time since manipulation on the type of substrate chosen (0 = pale pavement, 1 = dark asphalt) by (a) unmanipulated individuals captured for the first time and (b) individuals recaptured after colour manipulation. Changes in AICc values and p-values were obtained by comparing models with versus without the variable of interest (see text). AICc changes that (to us) indicate biologically and statistically meaningful support are highlighted in italics. Number of groups for random variables: grasshopper identity = 33; date = 11.

variable ΔAICc p-value
(a) first captures (N = 218)
original colour −62.18 <0.001
sex 2.08 0.99
original colour × sex 1.37 0.40
(b) resightings only (N = 36)
new colour −17.08 <0.001
original colour −3.70 0.011
time since manipulation 2.46 0.51
new colour × time since manipulation 1.83 0.26