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. 2020 Jul;110(7):962–963. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305733


Follow-Up of Returning Travelers Over Time: San Bernardino County, CA

Date Completed Monitoring Perioda Low Riskb Unable to Contactc Still Trying to Contactd Ongoing Monitoringe Total
February 12, 2020 1 7 23 22 19 72
February 13, 2020 5 9 32 10 25 81
February 19, 2020 10 26 67 44 61 208
February 24, 2020 49 39 128 15 81 312
February 28, 2020 107 43 140 19 72 381
March 6, 2020 156 44 151 18 52 421
March 17, 2020 244 44 215 0 0 503

Completed 14 days from last day of exposure without symptoms. The count is cumulative.


Denied ever having been to China or had only a short layover at a Chinese airport. The count is cumulative.


No telephone number or incorrect number provided or no answer after 3 calls. The count is cumulative.


Did not answer but telephone number appears to be functional and less than 3 calls have been attempted.


Contact established and remains within 14-d window for continued monitoring; converted to complete after 14 d.