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. 2020 May 15;13(10):2284. doi: 10.3390/ma13102284

Table 3.

Chemical composition according to X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy analyses (XRF), alkali-activating solution details, curing conditions, and compressive strength of alkali-activated materials containing carbonate minerals.

Mineral Additive (Chemical Composition) Alkali-Activation and Curing Regimen Max. Compressive Strength + Reference
Calcite (53.5% CaO; 1.7% MgO; 1.5% SiO2) Ms * = 2.0, 1.5, and 1.2 ~60 MPa (Ms = 1.5, MK with 20% of calcite) [55]
40 °C for 24 h
Calcite (55.91% CaO; 0.18% K2O; 0.09% SiO2) 2%, 4%, and 6% of NaOH ~70 MPa (4% of NaOH, 5% of calcite, and 91% of GBFS) [56]
37 °C 100% RH
Calcite (purity 98.5%) 13% KOH, 10% NaOH, 27% Na2SiO3, 50% H2O ~28 MPa (MK with 6% of calcite) [57]
40 °C for 12 h
Calcite (50.1% CaO; 3.9% SiO2; 1.7% Al2O3) 3, 6, and 12 M NaOH 19.2 MPa (12 M, 67% mineral addition, 5 h curing) [58]
80 °C for 1, 3, and 5 h
Marble (53.68% CaO; 1.32% Fe2O3; 0.26% SiO2) 1, 5, and 10 M NaOH 37.48 MPa (10 M NaOH, curing 20 °C, 20% Marble) [63]
(1) 22 °C and 40% RH; (2) 45 °C for 24 h; (3) 75 °C for 24 h. Afterwards, wet condition (min. 95% RH) or 22 °C and 35% RH
Marble (55.9% CaO; 0.6% MgO; 0.1% Fe2O3) (1) 0.1 mol of Na2O; (2) 0.1 mol of Na2O and 0.1 mol SiO2; (3) substitution of sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7) 60.7 MPa (25% Marble/75% calcined smectite clay; containing Na-citrate) [64]
24 h at 95% RH then dry-cured at room temperature
Marble (44.20% CaO; 1.41% MgO; 0.07% Fe2O3) Ms * = 1.65 and 3.50 38.30 MPa (Ms = 1.65, dry curing) [45]
24 h at 80 °C then: (1) 20 °C and 95% RH; (2) 20 °C and 18% RH; (3) immersed in water
Marble (45.60% CaO; 6.82% MgO; 0.70% SiO2) 8 M NaOH or Na2SiO3·nH2O:NaOH (w:w = 5) 52 MPa (Na2SiO3·nH2O + NaOH; cement, GBFS, marble, FA) [65]
Room temperature
Marble (38.02% CaO; 34.66% SiO2; 13.12% Fe2O3; 7.21% MgO) 2 and 4 M NaOH + Na2SiO3 6.52 MPa (7 days, 4 M, 60% marble + 40% FA) [66]
70 °C for 24 h and 7 days in plastic bags
Travertine (55.10% CaO; 0.70% SiO2; 0.20% Fe2O3) 1, 5, and 10 M NaOH 42.24 MPa (10 M NaOH, dry curing at 20 °C, 20% travertine) [63]
(1) 22 °C and 40% RH; (2) 45 °C for 24 h; (3) 75 °C for 24 h. Afterwards, wet condition (min. 95% RH) or 22 °C and 35% RH
Dolomite (33.4% CaO; 17.1% MgO; 2.5% SiO2) Ms * = 2.0, 1.5, and 1.2 ~45 MPa (Ms = 1.5, MK with 20% of dolomite) [55]
40 °C for 24 h
Dolomite (42.48% CaO, 19.15% MgO) Ms * = 2.5 (Na2CO3 and bentonite) 38.3 MPa (bentonite, dolomite and Na2CO3 calcined at 1110 °C and (CaO + MgO)/SiO2 = 2.1) [60]
80 °C for 3 days
Dolomite (74.8% CaO; 18.3% MgO; 3.7% SiO2) Ms *= 0.93 (10 M NaOH + Na2SiO3) ~60 MPa (Cement with 40% of dolomite); ~40 MPa (FA with 40% of dolomite); [62]
Cement-based samples 24 h at 100% RH then immersed in lime water; FA-based samples 24 h at 40 °C and 100 % RH then sealed and at room temperature
Dolomite (31.4% CaO, 21.3% MgO, 1.1% SiO2) Na2CO3 + calcined dolomite
(Na2O = 4.9%–7.6% in the dry mixture)
41.6 MPa (GBFS with 10% of calcined dolomite and 10% of Na2CO3) [61]
20 °C and RH > 95% ± 2%
Dolomite (27.13% CaO; 24.53% MgO; 0.13% SiO2) 4 M NaOH or 2 M Na2CO3 ~60 MPa (NaOH, GBFS and 20% of dolomite);
~80 MPa (Na2CO3, GBFS and 20% of dolomite);
20 °C 100% RH
Pietra di Angera (64% CaO; 33% MgO; 2.2% Fe2O3) 10, 14, 16, and 20 H2O/Na2O molar ratio (obtained mixing H2O + Na2SiO3 + NaOH) 18 MPa (H2O/Na2O molar ratio = 20; MK:pietra di Angera = 1:1) [50]
20 °C and 90% RH
Limestone (53.5% CaO; 1.7% MgO; 1.5% SiO2) 3 and 5 M NaOH 7 MPa (50% LM/50% MK; 5 M NaOH; 20 °C; dry curing) [67]
24 h at 20 or 80 °C then wet curing (water immersed) or dry curing (laboratory conditions)
Limestone (53.96% CaO; 1.01% MgO; 0.84% SiO2) Ms * = 1.4 83.5 MPa (30% LM/10% FA/60% GBFS) [68]
20 °C and 95% RH
Limestone (53.96% CaO; 1.01% MgO; 0.84% SiO2) 4 wt.% of Na2O (starting from Na2CO3) ~55 MPa (GBFS with 10% of LM) [69,70]
20 °C and 95% RH
Limestone (57.43% CaO; 1.06% SiO2) Ms * = 0 (only NaOH), 1, and 1.5 ~15 MPa (Ms = 1, 10% Na2O) [40]
24 h at 60 °C then dry stored in plastic bags at 20 °C and 80%–90% RH
Limestone (47.85% CaO; 9.07% SiO2; 1.51% Al2O3) 5, 10, and 8 M NaOH + Na2SiO3 47.77 MPa (8 M, 45% LM/55% Clay) [71]
24 °C in open air
Limestone 1 (90% calcite, 9% quartz) (43.31% CaO; 14.26% SiO2; 2.44% Al2O3) NaOH + Na2CO3 + H2O 39 MPa (30% LM_3/70% GBFS; Ssp 600 m2/kg) [72]
Limestone 2 (33% calcite, 66% dolomite) (39.79% CaO; 1.26% SiO2; 12.94% MgO)
Limestone 3 (100% calcite) (55.06% CaO; 0.47% SiO2; 0.49% MgO) Room temperature and 95%–100% RH

+ 28 days. * Ms = SiO2/Na2O molar ratio.