Figure 6.
Mortality (Mean ± SEM) of adult resistant bed bugs (Retiro-R) against topical treatment with different formulations containing imidacloprid (0.003 wt%). Abbott’s formula was used to correct the mortality for control groups (data not shown). (a) Imidacloprid solubilized in the pure solvents: water, eugenol, and ethanol. (b) Imidacloprid included in mixtures corresponding to path I (samples containing water concentration constant). (c) Imidacloprid included in mixtures corresponding to path II (samples containing eugenol concentration constant). (d) Imidacloprid included in mixtures corresponding to path III (samples containing ethanol concentration constant). The lowercase letters above each bar evidence the significance in the difference between the results obtained for the different formulations, with the same letters indicating the absence of significant differences between treatments (p > 0.05).