Fig. 2.
Seasonal variation in P. mytiligera population structure in relation to chlorophyll- a concentration and sea temperature. a Variation in mean (±SE) of chlorophyll- a concentration and b sea temperature in the Red Sea. c Violin plots display the proportion (%) of P. mytiligera new recruit density in relation to total population density. The plot diameter reflects the probability density of new recruits for each season. Jittered points overlaid on boxplots represent individual samples. The bottom and top of the boxes represent the first and third quartiles, the central band represents the median, and whiskers represent 1.5-fold the interquartile range. dP. mytiligera seasonal average size in cm (±SE). Data averages were calculated from a unit of 15 m2 belt transect (n = 24 belt transects per season). Different letters above bars indicate significant differences (permutational ANOVA, p < 0.05)