Loss of function mutations in dACOX1 in flies cause lethality
(A) Schematic representation of the molecular lesion in dACOX1, the dACOX1 deletion (dACOX1ywg), and the insertional mutation (dACOX1T2A). (B) Summary of complementation tests. GR: Genomic Rescue construct. The numbers indicate the # of observed flies versus # of expected flies (C) Western blot of dACOX1 with protein lysates from 3rd instar larvae of dACOX1T2A;GR (control), dACOX1ywg and dACOX1T2A showing diminished dACOX1 level with both mutant alleles. Mean ± s.e.m. ***p< 0.001. (D) Larval growth curves of control, dACOX1ywg and dACOX1T2A animals. (E)
dACOX1 is expressed in glia of larval CNS. The expression of dACOX1T2A>nls-mCherry (magenta) colocalized with anti-Repo (green), marking the glia nuclei, in larval CNS. Scale bar: 15μm. (F)
dACOX1 is expressed in most glia of adult flies. The expression of dACOX1T2A>UAS-nls-mCherry (magenta) colocalized with anti-Repo (green), marking the glia nuclei, in the adult fly brain. Scale bar: 5μm