Box and whisker plots show quantitative metric mean values obtained with the shutter speed model in longitudinal MR examinations (ie, pre-treatment [TX 0], immediately after the first fraction of stereotactic body radiotherapy, D1-TX[1], and post-TX[2]). Ktrans (min−1) (A), ve (B), and τi (seconds) (C). Ktrans values at D1-TX were significantly higher than those at pre-TX (P = .011) and post-TX (P = .039). ve values at pre-TX were significantly lower than those at post-TX (P = .042). D1-TX τi values were significantly higher than pre-TX (P= .045) and post-TX (P = .001) values. τi values at pre- and post-TX showed borderline significance (P = .065). Boxes represent the interquartile range, whiskers represent the range of all values, the horizontal line within the box is the median value, and the open circle represents the outliers. Moderate overlap of quantitative metric values is evident.