Fig 2. Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) incidence and reductions in total number of antibiotics prescribed.
Scenarios for reduction in total number of antibiotics prescribed are as follows: (A) at network STACHs only; (B) at nursing homes only; (C) at outpatient facilities only; (D) at all network STACHs and nursing homes; and (E) at all network inpatient (i.e., STACHs, nursing homes, LTACHs) and outpatient facilities. For each scenario, the total antibiotics prescribed were reduced by 10%, 20%, and 30%. Results are based on 40 runs for each scenario. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals on the percent change. (STACH: short-term acute care hospital; LTACH: long-term acute care hospital; HO-CDI: hospital (healthcare) onset-CDI; CA-CDI: community associated-CDI).