(a) x-y overview of the super-resolution volume of
immunofluorescence-labeled ChR2-EYFP on dendrites resolved by INSPR, with a
depth of 11 μm from the coverslip. (b–e) x-z
slices along the white and magenta dashed lines in (a), reconstructed using
INSPR (b,d) and phase retrieval method based on beads embedded in agarose
gel (PR in gel, c,e). (f) Intensity profiles along the white
dashed lines in (d,e), showing the difference between reconstructions using
INSPR (red dash-dot lines) and PR in gel (blue solid lines).
(g) x-y overview of the super-resolution volume of
immunofluorescence-labeled ChR2-EYFP on dendrites resolved by INSPR, with a
depth of 7 μm from the coverslip. (h–k) x-z
slices along the white and magenta dashed lines in (g), reconstructed using
INSPR (h,j) and PR in gel (i,k). (l) Intensity profiles along
the white dashed lines in (j,k), showing the difference between
reconstructions using INSPR (red dash-dot lines) and PR in gel (blue solid
lines). The integration width of the x-z slices in (b–e, h–k)
in the y direction is 200 nm. These experiments are performed twice and both
of them are shown here. Norm.: normalized.