(a,b) Enlarged x-y and x-z views of the blind
reconstruction of microtubules from the SMLM challenge (full reconstructions are
shown in Extended Data Fig. 3).
(c,d) Intensity profiles of the white boxed regions in (a,b),
comparing the INSPR resolved profiles (blue solid lines) with the ground truth
(red dash-dot lines). (e) x-y views of the provided calibration PSF
and the INSPR retrieved PSF from blinking data. Scale bar: 1 μm.
(f) x-y overview of the mitochondrial network. An animated 3D
reconstruction is shown in Supplementary Video 4. (g,h) x-z and y-z slices along
the white and magenta dashed lines in (f). The integration width of the slices
in the third dimension is 200 nm. (i–p) Enlarged y’-z
views of the membrane contours reconstructed using phase retrieval based on
beads attached on the coverslip (in vitro (PR), i,k) and INSPR
(j,l) as indicated by the yellow and orange boxed regions in (f), and their
intensity profiles along the z direction (m–p). Here the orientation of
the cross section is rotated to allow projection of the 3D membrane bounded
structures to the 2D image. The numbers near the black arrows in (m–p)
indicate σz in nanometers. (q) Distribution of
σz obtained from the intensity profiles of 25 typical
outer membranes in (f) resolved by INSPR (blue plus signs) and the in
vitro approach (red circles). (r,s) x-y and x-z views
of the PSFs retrieved by INSPR in the deepest optical section above the bottom
coverslip and the in vitro method (r), and their corresponding
phase distributions (s). Scale bar in (r): 1 μm. The dataset shown is
representative of two datasets of mitochondria with depths of 9 μm from
the coverslip. Norm.: normalized.