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. 2018 Jul 1;29(3):101–113. doi: 10.5765/jkacap.170031

Table 4.

Significantly activated areas when ’AF’ condition was compared to ’CF’ condition (AF-CF condition)

Region Side BA MNI coordinates Peak t-value Cluster size (voxels)

x y z
HC group >ASD group
 Cingulate gyrus Left 32 -12 22 30 3.29 25
 Superior frontal gyrus Left 9 -14 44 32 3.21 38
 Superior frontal gyrus Left 9 -23 41 33 3.15
 Inferior semilunar lobule Left -32 -78 -43 3.19 41
 Inferior semilunar lobule Left -38 -72 -43 3.12
ASD group > HC group
 Claustrum Left -25 20 15 3.61 64
 Amygdala Right 33 -7 -21 3.55 50
 Middle temporal gyrus Right 37 45 -62 5 3.43 85
 Inferior temporal gyrus Right 37 49 -71 2 2.85
 Culmen Right 21 -29 -23 3.21 36
 Insula Left 13 -42 -2 3 2.9 28

Thresholded at p <0.005 uncorrected voxel level, extent threshold 20 voxels. AF: aesthetic-fractal, ASD: autism spectrum disorder, BA: Brodmann area, CF: control-fractal, HC: healthy control, MNI: Montreal Neuroimaing Institute