Figure 3.
Subgroup analyses of association between human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and preterm birth. *, Subgroup odds ratios (ORs) are size weighted and pooled individual study ORs, using random-effects model including studies that adjusted for at least the subgroup characteristic. Not adjusted subgroup ORs are size weighted and pooled individual study ORs using random-effects model including studies that did not adjusted for the subgroup characteristic. 1, Only for prospective cohorts and prospective case-controls studies. 2, Human papillomavirus exposure may have been measured during pregnancy in some studies, but details were not provided. 3, Refer to Supplementary Table 1 for more details on laboratory methods used in each study. 4, Refer to Supplementary Table 2 for more details on adjustment methods used and variables adjusted for in each study. I2, percentage of the variability in ORs that is due to true heterogeneity across subgroup’s studies. CI, confidence interval; NE, not estimable.