Voltage dependence of the transjunctional conductance Gj. (A,B) Voltage dependence of the transjunctional conductance obtained by plotting Gj,ss/Gj,inst versus Vj related to (A) proliferation medium (PM) condition (open squares, n = 6), (B) differentiation medium (DM) condition at 48 h (open squares, n = 9) and 72 h (open circles, n = 9). These data obtained in DM show an asymmetrical distribution that becomes more bell-shaped for positive Vj. The treatment for 72 h gave higher values compared to 48 h, although not statistically significant (p > 0.05, multiple unpaired Student’s t-test). (C,D) Symmetrical linear distribution observed under the concomitant treatment in DM + PRP at (C) 48 h (filled squares, n = 9), and (D) 72 h (filled circles, n = 14). All values represent mean ± S.E.M. Error bars are visible if they exceed the symbol size.