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. 2020 May 23;12(5):346. doi: 10.3390/toxins12050346

Table 2.

Origin (municipality, field number) and cultivars of oat grain lots from 2015 and 2018, and weight proportions (%) of small and large kernel fractions after size sorting (sieve size 2.2 mm).

Harvest Year Lot Number Municipality,
Field Number
Cultivar Weight Proportion (%)
Small Kernels Large Kernels
2015 1 Kongsvinger 1 Belinda 18 82
2 Kongsvinger 2 Belinda 8 92
3 Belinda 6 94
4 Kongsvinger 1 Belinda 24 76
5 Vinger 27 73
6 Belinda 15 85
7 Belinda 22 78
8 Vinger 33 67
9 Belinda 22 78
10 Østre Toten Dovre 11 89
11 GN12142 9 91
12 Hamar Odal 13 87
13 Nord09/127 9 91
14 Poseidon 6 94
Average weight proportion 1 15 85
2018 15 Kongsvinger 3 Ringsaker 32 68
16 GN1311 25 75
17 Belinda 14 86
18 Vinger 28 72
19 Årnes 28 72
20 Nord13/322 9 91
21 Gunhild 16 84
22 GN14182 26 74
23 GN14209 17 83
24 GN15154 16 84
Average weight proportion 1 21 79

1 Based on fraction weights of all samples.