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. 2020 May 18;9(5):1521. doi: 10.3390/jcm9051521

Table 4.

Summary of guidelines for postpartum care of pregnant patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

POSTPARTUM CARE Placental or fetal tissue Should be handled as infectious tissue in positive patients
Consider qRT-PCR on placenta
Length of stay N/A N/A Expedited discharge should be considered.
VD—1 day
CS—2 days
Expedited discharge should be considered.
VD—1 day
CS—2 days
N/A N/A Same as general population Expedited discharge should be considered Asymptomatic→2 days
Symptomatic→3 days
Breastfeeding Insufficient evidence
Okay for asymptomatic patients, mothers should use masks and wash hands
Separation and breast pumping suggested in critically ill patients
Limited evidence to advise against breastfeeding. Advise patients to: wash hands before handling baby, touching pumps or bottle; avoid coughing while baby is feeding; consider wearing face mask while feeding or handling baby; N/A Advice patients to: wash hands before handling baby, touching pumps or bottle; avoid coughing while baby is feeding; consider wearing face mask while feeding or handling baby; if breast pump us used, clean properly after each use; consider asking someone who is well to feed baby. No contradictions

Advice patients to: wash hands before handling baby, touching pumps or bottle; avoid coughing while baby is feeding; consider wearing face mask while feeding or handling baby; if breast pump us used, clean properly after each use; consider asking someone who is well to feed baby.
Women with COVID-19 can breastfeed if they wish to do so.
They should:
(1) Practice respiratory hygiene during feeding
(2) wear a mask
(3) Wash hands before and after touching the baby
(4) Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces they have touched.
During separation encourage dedicated breast pump. Mother should use a facemask and practice hand hygiene after each feeding Encourage breastfeeding support
(1) Practice respiratory hygiene during breastfeeding.
(2) wear a mask
(3) hands and tissues hygiene before and after breastfeeding
Encourage breastfeeding support. Symptomatic:
(1) hands and tissue hygiene
(2) wear a surgical mask
Skin to skin Can be considered with appropriate PPE use for asymptomatic patients N/A N/A N/A Routine precautionary separation of a healthy baby and mother is not advised at this point. Allow with precautions and good hygiene
N/A Individualize according to the conditions of the mother and the baby N/A
Postpartum pain control N/A N/A N/A No contraindication to NSAID use N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Postpartum visit N/A Encourage telehealth for postpartum visit Encourage telehealth for postpartum visit. Delay comprehensive face to face postpartum visit to 12 weeks. Use telehealth before 12 weeks. Encourage telehealth for postpartum visit Encourage telehealth for postpartum visit N/A N/A Stay at home policy and encourage of telehealth postpartum visits
home visit by health professional (midwife) between 48–72 h after discharge

Vaginal Delivery (VD), Cesarean Section (CS).