Time course analysis of leafy vegetables, Pak Choi and Choy Sum under + N, –N and recovery conditions by Raman spectroscopy. (A,B) Three-week old seedlings of two-week old seedlings of Pak Choi (Brassica rapa chinensis) and Choy Sum (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis) were transferred into +N or –N hydroponic medium. Leaf No. 4 samples were measured by Raman spectroscopy at various time points after transfer to –N medium. n = 10 (biologically independent experiments). (C,D) Pak Choi and Choy Sum plants grown under –N for 3 days were transferred into +N medium. Plants samples (R) at 0 day were same with samples grown for 3 days under –N medium. Samples were taken at various time points for 3 days. n = 5 (biologically independent experiments). R; recovery plant, Scale bar, 0.5 cm. a.u; arbitrary unit.