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. 2020 Jun 12;31:105854. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105854
Subject Infectious diseases
Specific subject area Time-series and econometric modeling
Type of data Table
How data were acquired The data were acquired from the official website maintained by the Government of Pakistan (
Instruments: Programming language R and its packages, “TSPred” “forecast”, and “SutteForecastR” were used for the analyses.
Data format The data are in raw format and have been analyzed. An Excel file with data has been uploaded.
Parameters for data collection The dataset consists of daily reported total (cumulative) confirmed & active cases of COVID-19, recoveries, and deaths. The parameters were used for the Kalman-filtered ARIMA models.
Description of data collection The daily prevalence data of cumulative confirmed COVID-19 cases, active cases, recoveries, and deaths in Pakistan from February 26, 2020, to April 30, 2020, were collected from the official website of the Government of Pakistan (, and MS-Excel 2019 was used to build a time-series database for further analysis.
Data source location Ministry of National Health Services
Data accessibility Raw data can be retrieved from